A Riot in My Heart

The issue of friendships turning into some kind of erotic and/or sexual relationships has certainly been discussed by many people from varying angles. Is it possible to live up to your goals as a feminist and activist any longer as soon as a relationship develops? Or, to start with, what kind of relationship do you actually want to live? Is it rather the traditional mono-amorous couple or an open relationship which gives you greater autonomy about how to fulfill your desires? Or do you have concrete visions of forming a completely nontraditional family that tries to abolish standard social role-stereotypes?

Well, thinking and reading about all these things is a nice way to start and to open your mind about the possibilities of life and how it could look like. But being confronted with the actual situation then turns out completely different and challenges just everything! Nothing of what you have made up in your head from how to behave to what so say makes any sense as soon as you’re confronted with a real person articulating their own desires and wishes.

So how do you react when you have this one friend who became very, very special to you? With whom you have shared your inner feelings about nearly anything you can think of, not only your feelings towards other friends and people, your thoughts about live, sex, and relationships in general, but also about your own little utopias? And you suddenly realize that this person starts using up so much more space in your brain, occupying nearly every thought you have? How close can it become – is there a limit?

What if the only limit that has always existed between the two of you  – one that forbade bodily interactions – suddenly vanishes? When now you feel like you’re in the middle of a gigantic spiral, being shaken from one side to the other with increasing speed and the only one to hold onto is your friend, being swung around like you? Your visions, your utopias, your constructions are coming down and everything is just scattered. A heart, a mind, a body in chaos.

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Nightmares or Reality?

„I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.”
– Frida Kahlo


Those times when you wake up with your thoughts still processing the events of the night. The horrors, the fears, the disbelief. You trying to run, trying to escape. Realizing that there was no way out. And now, with your eyes open, feeling shocked. What you just felt in your dream is reality in life.


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Racism is growing

Anger is a word not strong enough to describe what’s going on here. But there is no other equivalently suitable.
Racism as a phenomenon within the public sphere is growing again. Well, one could argue, it’s not actually growing, it’s only becoming more visible. True, both institutionalized and internalized racism are more visible. But as this happens, more people assume that it is socially accepted to be racist since so many more people are. And this results in growing racism.
Too many people are contributing to that. Not only the horrifying number of more than 8000 right-wingers marching on the streets of one German town while thousands of others march in another town. Not only the so-called journalists selling their souls for tabloids such as Sun in England or Bild in Germany by trying to turn figures into facts. Not only those electing populist right-wing parties because “everyone should be allowed to say this…”. They all add their little pieces to what’s going on right now. But first and foremost politicians themselves help to establish hostility towards foreigners. Only “the bad foreigners” of course. Who could be against those coming here with a highschool diploma? Exactly. Not as long as they will promise to pay their taxes and otherwise keep out of your business. That’s what the politicians of nearly all parties preach now. Defend your national borders to keep the unwanted refugees out (read: those who are not seen as profitable), try to create party programs as racist as possible to make racists like you and vote for you the next time and quietly give asylum laws a hard kick. Who has ever needed asylum? Not those white European well-borns who now spend more money on Fortress Europe than on humane housing for those in need.
Smash Frontex. Smash Europe. Smash the notion of the nation.

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How dare they?

How can people actually allow themselves to speak about a „refugee crisis“?? „Humanity crisis“ is the far better word for describing the inhumane treatment of people who have fled from the most destructive environments. It’s not welcoming, though this is the word of this year’s summer, to herd people into large halls and deny them every right to see relatives or at least people who speak their language simply because some weird old nationalists once decided how to distribute refugees in Europe! It’s insane!

No borders! No nations! Free movement everywhere!

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What’s it all about??

Well, this will be a personal blog about stuff happening.
Here, there, everywhere.
Always from my point of view, always anti-fascist, pro-feminist, and animal-friendly. Comments on life, love, and liberty.

“We are bound first to inform ourselves concerning so great a matter as the revolt of millions of people- what they are struggling for, what they are struggling against, and how the struggle stands- from day to day…as best you can; and second, to spread this knowledge among others, and endeavor to do what little you can to awaken the consciousness and sympathy of others.”
Voltairine de Cleyre, The Voltairine de Cleyre Reader


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Hello world!

Welcome to Blackblogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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